Monday, November 23, 2009

Funkeys Ace

The most industrial of all Funkeys, the Ace live a down and dirty, one might say base, lifestyle; bathing in oil, staging metal eating contests, and building things only to blow them up. Hard working, and relentless, the Ace are known to say things like, "Why use 1 rivet when 100 would do?" With razor sharp teeth and a sailor's vocabulary, the Ace have never faced a problem they couldn't build over. They believe that nature's creations can provide unlimited potential for the future, but only if they are bent to their will, and forged into their vision.
When called upon to produce all the weapons in the Great Funkey Wars of the third Funkazoic Era, it was the Ace and their relentless effort led by their greatest manufacturer, Rivet Rose, that gave King Funkankhamun the weapons he needed to turn the tide of war and defeated the hordes of the evil King Kanh. During the war effort, the Ace live by one creed, "We can build longer, harder, and stronger then any other Funkey."
After the war, the countryside was scarred by fighting and when the long rebuilding process begun, it was once again the Ace that came to the aid of all Funkeys. With their great forges and massive factories, the Ace rebuilt Terrapinia and ushered in the Funkey Industrial Revolution. Massive Ace structures like the Earfull Tower, One Cool Dam and the Barbeque Shack on the corner of 5th and Main, became symbols of hope and progress. The Ace have always had one goal on their mind, "If you build it, than it's built."
The Ace have a symbol for their ruthless efficiency - a shiny band of metal. Perfect, no beginning, no end. The legend is that this wheel is the rolling pursuit of progress. Like any wheel, once on it, you can't slow down, you can't let go and you can't hold on, you can't go back and you can't stand still. The message: nowhere to go but up.
Progress sometimes comes at a cost though, and the Ace's single minded manufacturing mission has had some unfortunate and permanent effects on the landscape of Terrapinia. But as their smoke stacks keep pumping soot into the air, the Ace continue to remind other Funkeys that "progress takes work, and work is dirty before it is clean." The Future is now and the Ace are not looking back!

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